Andrea G. Enrich

The Ritz Carlton Washington DC

It’s very sad to be ending this incredible and life-changing journey I experienced in Washington DC. My experience has exceeded expectations, thanks not only to all the people I’ve met but also to the amazing support from my employer. They have pushed me out of my comfort zone and guided me throughout the process, providing me with the right tools. Now, I can proudly say I feel ready to take on a managerial role. They have also been great hosts, organizing outings and visits to the most emblematic places in DC, allowing me to learn about the city and its culture.

The biggest challenge of this experience was understanding the different work systems here in the US, such as servers relying on tips, following seniority rules, and encountering several working regulations that are quite different from Europe. However, the team was very understanding of my background and continuously supported me in adapting to the American work environment. Below is a picture from one of my favorite days during my time here, the 4th of July. I was able to go to the National Mall with a few friends and have a picnic while enjoying the fireworks.