Frequently Asked Questions

Browse through the various question and answer categories which we have identified.

About our Career Programs

About The Insurance

Preparations Before Going To The USA

Employer Questions

About our career programs

Can I pay my visa payments via bank transfer if I do not own a credit card?

If you do not own your own credit card, you can always use the credit card of your family or friends. If this is not possible, then the last resort will be a bank transfer. The reason for this is because bank transfers take some time before the payments are processed. Please contact HRC for details to make a bank transfer.

How long does it take for HRC to offer me a program?
It can take anywhere from 1 day up to 6 months for HRC to find you a job offer. This depends on your preferred start date, and your flexibility on your preferences of the career program, host organization and location. Typically, if you are available within 2-3 months, we are able to locate an offer close to your requested start date within a few days of your interview.
Can I reject the offer that HRC sends me?
It is possible to reject the offer that HRC sends you but please state a clear reason of rejection so that we can do a better match for you the next time around. We aim to create a mutual understanding for the benefit of you and your future host employer!
How will the interview process be with the host organization?
Most host organizations will have a video interview with you but it can happen that they would conduct a telephone interview. The number of interviews depends on the host organization; some conduct 1 interview while others may conduct 2 or more interviews.
How long does the whole process takes until I can start my program?
From the initial contact moment it takes approximately 8-10 weeks until you can start your career program.
What are the costs to participate in one of your career programs?

HRC international does not charge any upfront administration fees and no payments need to be made until you have been accepted in a career program by the host employer!

Once you have been accepted into a program you have to pay:

Career USA

  1. FREE visa for all culinary applicants – a savings of $1,500
  2. $1,500 for the J-1 Visa for non culinary applicants. This amount needs to be paid upfront and in full and includes the Sevis fee of $220.-
  3. Program fee of $250 per month for the duration of your career program. This program fee can be paid in monthly installments and includes full medical and third party liability insurance, hrc buddy program and full support by our local office
  4. Approximately $750 for airfare, depending on season and location
Is there any age limit?
For our Career USA programs: there is not really an age limit but typically people over 30-35 have a difficult time justifying that they will need additional training which is a requirement for the J-1 visa program.
What about accommodation?
For our Career USA programs: most of our employers offer accommodation upon arrival (normally for 2 weeks). After that you are supposed to find something on your own but the hotel, hrc and your buddy will assist you with this. With over 7,500 alumni housing has never been an issue so you can rest assured that you will be able to find something suitable and affordable. Check out this video for more housing information.
How much is my refund in case I will be rejected at the US consulate?
Upon acceptance by the employer, no refund of the program fee, insurance fee or visa fee is issued, except when: a) serious personal injury or death in the immediate family (parent or sibling) or b) denial of visa issuance by the immigration authority prevents you from starting the placement. If the application is cancelled before Form DS-2019 is issued, 100% of the paid J-1 visa fee and 100% of the paid program- and insurance fee minus a $200 non-refundable administrative fee is refunded . After Form DS-2019 is issued, but before arrival in the US, 50% of the paid J-1 visa fee and 100% of the paid program- and insurance fee minus a $200 non-refundable administrative fee is refunded. No refunds of any kind are issued after arrival in the US. SEVIS fees are non-refundable. In all cases, you are required to send back the original form DS-2019. In the event that you have prepaid program- and insurance fees, 100% of the prepaid months minus an admin fee of $25 will be refunded in full only for the full months that are unused. For refunds of the free visa program, scholarship program or financial aid program other rules may apply.
I am a hospitality graduate in the USA, can i still apply for the us program? In another word, I am not an international student.
Nope sorry, the J1 visa program is set up for non Americans.
Are there are opportunities for placements after the completion of the career program in the USA

Yes, there certainly are. We would love to assist you with a second placement. Please contact your career consultant.

How do I unsubscribe / delete my account from your website?
Just send us an email and we will delete your profile in accordance with GDPR regulations.
How much money will I make? What is my salary / stipend?
You will receive a competitive salary / stipend, which allows you to have enough money to cover your expenses. If you get paid on hourly wages, you will be eligible for overtime pay. If you work in the F&B department, you will receive gratuity on top of your salary. In the USA, customers are required to pay 15-20% of the total bill. You are also required to pay for federal, state and city income taxes, but you will be eligible for tax refunds. Taxes are typically around 16%.
Are there any restrictions of nationality?
There are a few countries where HRC candidates have not been very successful obtaining visa. Some of these countries are politically unstable, are not on good terms with the USA or have a high immigration risk.
Can you apply to the program if you have graduated more than a year ago?
Yes, absolutely. If you have a hospitality degree and at least 1 year of recent relevant work experience in the (ultra) luxury hotel industry (outside of the USA) you can apply.
Do you offer positions outside of hospitality?
Yes we also do Teachers. Please see https://www.hrc-international.com/teachers
Do you also offer 6 month programs for taking a training hospitality program?
We sometimes also offer 6 month program even though the majority of our programs is 12 months.
Do I need work experience? Does an internship count?
Most of HRC’s host employers require prior relevant work experience in the department you are applying for. This work experience could have been a full time job or an internship and would preferably be 6 months or more. If you have zero work experience, please check with your careeer consultant if there are any placements available that do not require previous work experience.
At the end of my internship in the USA, am I obliged to return to my home country? Or I can continue to work?
Unfortunately you will have to leave the USA upon completion of your program. However, if you would be interested in another job somewhere else around the world, we might be able to help you again. Please ask your career consultant.
What are eligibility criteria?

Not everybody can simply go to the USA on a J-1 visa program. The term eligible means that you meet certain criteria. For HRC’s career program this means that you are able to speak English and:

You are enrolled in a post secondary ministerially recognized academic institution in the hospitality industry


You have a hospitality degree and at least 1 year of recent relevant experience in the (ultra) luxury hotel industry (outside of the USA)


You have 5 years recent relevant work experience in the (ultra) luxury hotel industry (outside the USA)

About the insurance

What would be my exact refund if I get hired but I decide to cancel everything before going to the embassy?
We strongly discourage applying if you are not 100% sure. Nevertheless, upon acceptance by the employer, no refund of the program fee, insurance fee or visa fee is issued, except when: a) serious personal injury or death in the immediate family (parent or sibling) or b) denial of visa issuance by the immigration authority prevents you from starting the placement. If the application is cancelled before Form DS-2019 is issued, 100% of the paid J-1 visa fee and 100% of the paid program- and insurance fee minus a $200 non-refundable administrative fee is refunded . After Form DS-2019 is issued, but before arrival in the US, 50% of the paid J-1 visa fee and 100% of the paid program- and insurance fee minus a $200 non-refundable administrative fee is refunded. No refunds of any kind are issued after arrival in the US. SEVIS fees are non-refundable. In all cases, you are required to send back the original form DS-2019. In the event that you have prepaid program- and insurance fees, 100% of the prepaid months minus an admin fee of $25 will be refunded in full only for the full months that are unused. For refunds of the free visa program, scholarship program or financial aid program other rules may apply.
Do I still need to pay the complete program fee if I already have my own insurance?

J-1 Visa regulations require that all exchange visitors and accompanying spouses and dependents are covered by insurance that meets or exceeds certain coverage limits. Insurance coverage may be provided by HRC or the exchange visitor.

If you choose to purchase and accept private insurance coverage from HRC, you will receive an insurance plan meets the insurance requirements. HRC will provide coverage from the Program begin date to the Program end date listed on your Form DS-2019 as well as the 30-day grace period. If you travel to the U.S. before the start date listed on Form DS 2019, and I inform HRC of your arrival date, HRC may provide coverage from the arrival date. It is your responsibility to verify when coverage starts.

If you choose to arrange your own insurance, HRC will first need to assess and pre-approve this insurance. HRC will provide you with a quote for this service, the amount of which will depend on the complexity, length and language of your insurance policy. HRC cannot guarantee that your own insurance will be approved.

Can I pay my visa payment via bank transfer if I do not own a credit card?

You have the option to pay by bank transfer, paypal or credit card: if you would like to pay by bank transfer, please use the following information:

Bank account number (IBAN code): NL63 RABO 0138 7546 08
Account Holder: HRC International B. V.
Address of account holder: Hertogsingel 104, 6214 AG
City of account holder: Maastricht
Country of account holder: The Netherlands

Name Bank: Rabobank
Address Bank: Postbus 159, 6130 AD
City of Bank: Sittard
Country of bank: The Netherlands
BIC code of bank: RABONL2U

You can authorize your bank to pay your program fee in monthly installments or you can do it manually by credit card each month.

How do I freeze my own insurance in my home country/country of residence?
To freeze your current insurance, you will need a few documents to show to your own insurance company the reason for freezing your current insurance. Among the documents that you can show your own insurance company are the Form DS-7002 (signed by all parties) and the form DS-2019 that you will receive in the FedEx package.

Preparations before going to the USA

What about accommodation?

For our Career USA programs: most of our employers offer accommodation upon arrival (normally for 2 weeks). After that you are supposed to find something on your own but the hotel, hrc and your buddy will assist you with this. With over 7,500 alumni housing has never been an issue so you can rest assured that you will be able to find something suitable and affordable. Check out this video for more housing information.

Is it a must that I bring along a credit card to the USA?
It is not compulsory but it is extremely useful to have your own credit card.
Is it necessary to bring my birth certificate to the USA?
No, this is not necessary. Your U.S. immigration document [=Form DS-2019] and your foreign passport with biographical information and photograph suffices for the application of a social security number.
Do I still need to register with ESTA?
No, this is not necessary. Your J-1 visa procedure has automatically registered you as a potential US visitor
At which stage do I need to pay the visa and insurance fees?
No fees are due until you have formally been hired by the host employer. Once accepted you pay the visa fee and part of the monthly program fee.
What type of visa do I apply for if I get accepted to train in the US?
It will be a J1 visa which is a cultural exchange visa.
What is the DS-160 and how do I fill it out?

All non-immigrant visa applicants applying for visas at the U.S. Embassy or Consulates are required to complete the DS-160 online application form. You are required to fill out this online application form right before you make your consulate appointment.

Please find a step-by-step online tutorial right here. The US Embassy in London has a YouTube on how to complete the DS 160 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbLWi3de1hA)

Also, this link will help you with frequently asked questions on completing the DS 160.

Employer Questions

How long does it take to get a J-1 on site?

Approximately 3 months

How much does it cost the employer?
In order for us to find the best talent for you, HRC requires the employer to pay for a portion of the J1’s costs. An account manager would be happy to discuss further.
Do we get to interview the candidate?
Yes, the employer makes the final decision to hire a candidate.
What countries do you recruit from?
HRC recruits from over 65 countries, year-round, so we can find any specific nationality or language that you are looking for.
Do they speak English?
Yes, all of our candidates speak English.
How many J-1’s can we host?

Based on the number of full time employees we can determine how many J-1’s you can host per year.

How can I start the process?
We’d be happy to assist you, feel free and email us at [email protected].
What positions can they be in?
The regulations require the J1’s to train in skilled positions in Rooms, Food & Beverage, Culinary, etc.
Will they have prior work experience?
If they are already graduated, they will have prior relevant work experience.
Can they train at multiple employers?
The J-1 candidate can transfer to a new location at a cost to update the training plan but no they cannot train at multiple training sites.

FAQ Category Title 5

Can I apply for another program after I finish my current one?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
My passport has a stamp that mentions that the two year rule does not apply.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
Second placement / repeat participation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
How much money will I make? What is my salary / stipend?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

FAQ Category Title 6

Can I apply for another program after I finish my current one?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
My passport has a stamp that mentions that the two year rule does not apply.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
Second placement / repeat participation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
How much money will I make? What is my salary / stipend?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

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