Terms and Conditions



Article 1. Definitions

  • HRC-INTERNATIONAL B.V., based in Maastricht, the Netherlands – a training and career development organization for the international hospitality industry, hereinafter referred to as HRC
  • CANDIDATE(S), anyone who contacts HRC for the training and career development services HRC offers, hereinafter referred to as CANDIDATE
  • HOST EMPLOYER(S), clients of HRC who outsource their recruitment activities to HRC, hereinafter referred to as EMPLOYER
  • PLACEMENT(S), the position, job, placement, internship, traineeship, management training program, or any other type of employment or training at HOST EMPLOYER, hereinafter referred to as PLACEMENT
  • FREE VISA PROGRAM(S), SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM(S), PLACEMENTS and FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM(S), PLACEMENTS where HRC covers the expenses for visa and/or flight or accepts special payment plans
  • PROGRAM FEE(S), an amount of money which needs to be paid to HRC for the services HRC provides (see article 2). For certain PLACEMENTS in certain countries, the PROGRAM FEE is waived or lowered and might include more or less services.
  • INSURANCE FEE(S), an amount of money which needs to be paid to HRC for the insurance coverage that HRC provides
  • VISA FEE, an amount of money which needs to be paid to HRC for the costs related to the visa application procedure.
  • SERVICE(S), all acts performed by HRC on behalf of the CANDIDATE
  • HRC HANDBOOK, a document, a copy of which has been shared with CANDIDATE with all relevant information pertaining to HRC’s PLACEMENTS. This HANDBOOK has been written with great care and contains useful information.

Article 2. Services of HRC

HRC assists in locating a suitable PLACEMENT in the international hospitality industry, helps with all the relevant procedures and formalities prior to departure and provides continuous support before and during the PLACEMENT.

Article 3. Liability

HRC accepts no liability for not being able to locate a PLACEMENT. HRC accepts no liability for damages incurred before, during and/or after the PLACEMENT, related directly or indirectly to the (search for and the process leading to the) PLACEMENT and relocation. HRC has exemplified that it cannot and will not accept any responsibility for either the nature, length and/or contents of the PLACEMENT, nor the work conditions and does not have any influence over the decisions made by the EMPLOYER concerning these matters. HRC cannot be held liable for any information provided in writing or electronically. This comprises but is not limited to employee communication, HRC website, HRC HANDBOOK and any other form of communication. HRC, however, is obliged to arrange the PLACEMENT and all related items to the best of its ability and in the CANDIDATE’s best interest.

Article 4. Accepting these terms and conditions

CANDIDATE agrees to the terms and conditions as outlined in this document. These terms and conditions are also available online at www.hrc-international.com/termsandconditions

Article 5. Payments


HRC does NOT charge any upfront payment, administration fees or deposits with the exception of a few exceptional cases as mentioned under article 5.2 and NO fees are applicable for fixed jobs / executive search PLACEMENTS. For most career program PLACEMENTS, HRC charges a monthly PROGRAM FEE or INSURANCE FEE upon successful hire of CANDIDATE at EMPLOYER. The first installment of the PROGRAM FEE or INSURANCE FEE is due within 2 business days of formally being hired by the EMPLOYER. The second installment for the PROGRAM FEE or INSURANCE FEE is due on the last date of the first full month of training or employment and the 3rd and consecutive PROGRAM FEES or INSURANCE FEES are due every 30 days after the second due date of the PROGRAM FEE or INSURANCE FEE. The PROGRAM FEE or INSURANCE FEE is due each month as long as the CANDIDATE is active in his/her PLACEMENT. During the application process, HRC will inform CANDIDATE if a PROGRAM FEE or INSURANCE FEE is applicable. Please note that the insurance policy does not cover pre-existing illnesses. Should any pre-existing conditions or illnesses be applicable to you, please inform HRC accordingly.

5.2 Retainer in exceptional cases

Despite HRC’s policy of not having to pay any registration fees or administration fees before getting hired, a retainer in a few exceptional cases is applicable: in the event that CANDIDATE has previously cancelled his / her application after having been hired, in the event that CANDIDATE has previously participated in one of HRC’s PLACEMENTS and CANDIDATE has not completed the PLACEMENT, in the event that CANDIDATE has a special request of being placed together with a friend in the same area. This retainer needs to be paid before the application process and amounts to $500.


For most PLACEMENTS, HRC charges a VISA FEE upon successful hire of CANDIDATE at EMPLOYER. Failure to pay the visa fee within 2 business days after being hired will result in cancellation of the CANDIDATE’S application at HRC. During the application process, HRC will inform CANDIDATE if a VISA FEE is applicable.


CANDIDATES participating in HRC’s FREE VISA PROGRAM, SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM or FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM may not need to (fully) pay for their VISA FEE, PROGRAM FEE, INSURANCE FEE or flight or benefit from a special payment plan. In the event that CANDIDATE terminates the FREE VISA PROGRAM, SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM or FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM at any point after the formal acceptance of CANDIDATE by HOST EMPLOYER in a FREE VISA PROGRAM, SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM or FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM, regardless whether the FREE VISA PROGRAM, SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM or FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM has actually started, and regardless of the CANDIDATE’S reason for terminating the program and before the official end date of the PLACEMENT, HRC has the right to capture part of these costs. HRC may bill CANDIDATE a pro-rata part of the expenses incurred. CANDIDATES participating in HRC’s FREE VISA PROGRAM, SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM or FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM are not entitled to any refunds and may be asked for additional efforts such as providing video testimonials or other commercial contributions.

5.5 Late payments

For late payments of the monthly PROGRAM FEE or INSURANCE FEE, HRC charges a penalty fee of $25 per occurrence. If CANDIDATE fails to pay the PROGRAM FEE or INSURANCE FEE in time, the visa may be cancelled and CANDIDATE risks having to leave the country immediately.

5.6 Refunds

Upon acceptance by the employer, no refund of the PROGRAM FEE, INSURANCE FEE or VISA FEE is issued, except when: a) serious personal injury or death in the immediate family (parent or sibling) or b) denial of visa issuance by the immigration authority prevents CANDIDATE from starting the PLACEMENT. If the application is cancelled before Form DS-2019 is issued, 100% of the paid J-1 VISA FEE and 100% of the paid INSURANCE FEES minus a $200 non-refundable administrative fee is refunded . After Form DS-2019 is issued, but before arrival in the US, 50% of the paid J-1 VISA FEE and 100% of th paid INSURANCE FEES minus a $200 non-refundable administrative fee is refunded. No refunds of any kind are issued after arrival in the US. SEVIS fees are non-refundable. In all cases, CANDIDATE is required to send back the original form DS-2019 within 60 days of withdrawal or consulate visa denial. In the event that CANDIDATE has prepaid PROGRAM FEES or INSURANCE FEES, the prepaid months minus an admin fee of $25 will be refunded in full only for the full months that are unused. For refunds of the FREE VISA PROGRAM, SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM and FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM other rules may apply.

5.7 Banking Fees

Please note that additional transfer fees may apply when paying by bank transfer. For more information on these fees, please contact your bank directly. HRC should receive full payment and all other extra (banking) fees or commissions should be covered by you. When sending refunds, HRC will cover all international sending charges but does not cover any local / receiving charges withheld by your local bank or financial institution.

Article 6. Insurance

Many countries require workers and/or trainees to take care of their own health insurance. CANDIDATE agrees to purchase insurance coverage through HRC which covers health insurance, accidental death & dismemberment, medical evacuation & repatriation of remains, third party liability insurance, trip cancellation insurance and 24/7 assistance. The insurance policy does not cover pre-existing illnesses. Should CANDIDATE already have any pre-existing conditions or illnesses, these should be made known in writing to HRC during the application process and before the PLACEMENT start date. For specific details on CANDIDATE insurance package, please check the hrc handbook and insurance coverage certificate. Insurance coverage for PLACEMENTS in other countries may be optional. If CANDIDATE chooses to arrange their own insurance, HRC may first need to assess and pre-approve this insurance. HRC will provide CANDIDATE with a quote for this service, the amount of which will depend on the complexity, length and language of the insurance policy. HRC cannot guarantee that this alternative insurance will be approved.

Article 7. Drug test

Many EMPLOYERS require CANDIDATES to undergo a drug test before the PLACEMENT begins. A drug test is a medical screening whereby urine and/or hair samples are examined for the presence of drugs or illegal medications. Traces of illegal substances can remain in the body for 30 days. If CANDIDATE fails the drug test, the PLACEMENT will be terminated and CANDIDATE must leave the country immediately.

Article 8. Commercial use of data

HRC takes CANDIDATE’S privacy very serious and will process, store and use CANDIDATE’S data in a safe way in accordance with European GDPR. HRC has drawn up privacy rules (hereafter called: “Privacy Statement”), which contents CANDIDATE can read below. HRC recommends CANDIDATE to read this carefully.

8.1 Who is and what does HRC do?

HRC collects personal data as supplied by CANDIDATE (hereinafter called: “Personal Data”), so HRC can advise and assist CANDIDATE in the field of CANDIDATE’S career, including finding a new PLACEMENT, but also in the field of talent analysis, talent development and talent management. CANDIDATE’S data may be internally linked to one or several vacancies by HRC’s recruitment services. These services, including HRC’s website(s), are called “Service” hereinafter. HRC is a registered trade mark and a protected trade name. The mark, the trade name and other assets of HRC, including the databases, are licensed conditionally to HRC International B.V. by the owner, established at Hertogsingel 104, 6214 AG, Maastricht, the Netherlands and is registered at the Chamber of Commerce under no. 14078909. In the performance of its service HRC makes use of agents and associates. All parties involved act in compliance with this Privacy Statement.

8.2 Which information is collected and processed by HRC?

In order to make use of the Services HRC offers CANDIDATE, one has to compose a personal profile or HRC makes a profile for CANDIDATE. For creating this personal profile CANDIDATE must provide certain Personal Data. After these data have been supplied, a profile is drawn up. This profile contains the information CANDIDATE has declared during the composition of the personal profile. CANDIDATE is able to deactivate CANDIDATE’S data at any time or have them removed by HRC. HRC also collects information on CANDIDATE’S surfing behavior being generated automatically during the use of HRC’s Service and HRC’s website(s). This information contains among others CANDIDATE’S IP-address (the number of CANDIDATE’S computer which enables to identify CANDIDATE’S computer), the date of filling in the Personal Data and “cookies”. As far as this information is used by HRC, it will always be anonymously.

8.3 What are cookies and how are they used by HRC ?

For the implementation of the Service HRC makes use of cookies that are stored on CANDIDATE’S computer by CANDIDATE’S browser. Cookies are small pieces of information which HRC’s server sends to CANDIDATE’S browser with the intention that this information will be sent back to HRC’s server in a subsequent visit. These small files are stored on the hard disk or in the memory of CANDIDATE’S computer. Cookies cannot damage CANDIDATE’S computer or the files on CANDIDATE’S computer. In the cookies information is stored (such as the setup of CANDIDATE’S PC, preferences specified by CANDIDATE and the leads and discussions to which CANDIDATE is subscribed) for facilitating a subsequent use of the service. This information contains, apart from CANDIDATE’s IP address, no name or address data nor any other Personal Data. CANDIDATE can set CANDIDATE’S browser such way, that CANDIDATE will receive no cookies during the next use of the Service. In that case it might happen that CANDIDATE cannot make use of all opportunities of the Service or that CANDIDATE has no access to (parts of) the Service. For more information on these functions, CANDIDATE can best seek CANDIDATE’S browser instructions or the help key of CANDIDATE’S browser. If CANDIDATE want to make use of cookies, CANDIDATE needs to log out before leaving a public computer.

8.4 Google Analytics

The websites of HRC make use of Google Analytics, a web analysis service offered by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies in order to help analyzing the website(s) who users are using the site. The information generated by the cookies about CANDIDATE’S use of the website (including CANDIDATE’S IP-address) is forwarded to – and stored by Google on servers around the world. Google uses this information to monitor how CANDIDATE use the website, to report on the website activity for website operators and to offer other services in relation to website activities and the use of the internet. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally obliged to this end, or as far as such third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google will not combine CANDIDATE’S IP address with other information being at their disposal. CANDIDATE can refuse to use cookies by choosing the appropriate settings at CANDIDATE’S browser. HRC would like to remind CANDIDATE, however, that CANDIDATE might not be able to benefit all opportunities of this (these) website(s), HRC’s Service in that case. Making use of this website CANDIDATE gives permission for the processing of information by Google in the manner and for the purposes as described above.

8.5 For which purposes HRC will use CANDIDATE’S data?

To grant the Service to CANDIDATE;
To send CANDIDATE information on the services of HRC itself;
To draw up anonymous statistical data and to make the Service safer; To provide CANDIDATE’S information to third parties based on the legal obligations; In order to adapt and improve the Service.
HRC uses automatically generated data for statistical purposes as well as for security and improvement of the website (s) and the Service. This information can be supplied to third parties so far as they are completely anonymized and cannot be linked to CANDIDATE personally. No Personal Data are supplied.

8.6 Use by third parties

Without CANDIDATE’S explicit permission HRC will not provide third parties with CANDIDATE’S Personal Data. HRC is allowed to provide third parties with CANDIDATE’S data as far as this is necessary for granting the service to CANDIDATE. HRC shares CANDIDATE’s Personal Data with Third parties such as: visa sponsors, host employers, insurance companies, j-1 buddies, electronic signature and agreement companies, IT providers, payment service companies and immigration entities. HRC can also provide CANDIDATE’S data to third parties if this is required on the basis of legal provisions, or as a result of a trial and/or if one considers it to be necessary to protect one’s own rights.

8.7 In which way HRC protects CANDIDATE’S Personal Data?

HRC will process CANDIDATE’S Personal Data in a proper and careful manner, in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). HRC requires that CANDIDATE provides the data marked with an asterisk (*). It is not required to have the data completed not marked with an asterisk (*). HRC will take appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to protect CANDIDATE’S Personal Data against loss or against any form of unlawful processing. HRC will keep the Personal Data during the application process and duration of the program. After ending the program HRC will request for approval to keep the Personal Data for another 24 months, at which HRC strives for a constructive, long-term relationship. However, CANDIDATE can deactivate CANDIDATE’S data at any time or having them removed by us.

8.8 Forwarding outside the EU

As far as the personal data are forwarded to third parties in accordance with this Privacy Statement, and these third parties are established outside the European Union, forwarding of data only takes place if that country ensures an appropriate security level, or, if forwarding is necessary for the implementation of the agreement or agreements between CANDIDATE and HRC, or for taking pre-contractual measures in response to a request from CANDIDATE and which are necessary for the conclusion of an agreement. By using the Service CANDIDATE gives HRC active consent to forward their data, within this framework, outside the European Union.

8.9 Company transfer

It may happen that one or more parts or assets of the owner of HRC are transferred to a third party or that HRC merges with a third party. In this case also CANDIDATE’S Personal data can be transferred. In the event of transfers uniform conditions apply. If the conditions however unexpectedly change in CANDIDATE’S disadvantage, CANDIDATE’S consent will be asked first. If desired CANDIDATE can have CANDIDATE’S data deactivated or having them removed by HRC.

8.10 Access to, correction and deletion of CANDIDATE’S Data

CANDIDATE can have access to (the processing of) CANDIDATE’S Personal Data or having them revised. In order to do so, CANDIDATE has to log in on CANDIDATE’S personal profile via HRC’s website(s). Any changes can be implemented here. If the CANDIDATE wants to review the collected data by HRC, CANDIDATE is allowed to request personal data in a digital format. HRC will carry out this request within 4 weeks. Regarding CANDIDATE’S Personal Data which cannot be found in CANDIDATE’S profile, for example an IP address, CANDIDATE can always turn to HRC with the request to inform CANDIDATE whether CANDIDATE’S Personal Data are processed. HRC has to inform CANDIDATE within four weeks in writing whether CANDIDATE’S Personal Data are processed. Subsequently CANDIDATE can ask HRC to improve, to complete or to remove Personal Data. An order for improvement, completion or removal will be carried out as soon as possible but at the latest within 4 weeks. As CANDIDATE’S Personal Data were also made available for third parties who used the Service, HRC is not able to remove CANDIDATE’S data from their systems. In this case CANDIDATE will have to request these third parties themselves to remove the data. If CANDIDATE does or does not wish to receive information anymore from HRC or from a third party, CANDIDATE can change CANDIDATE’S preferences by logging in on CANDIDATE’S profile and change CANDIDATE’S settings.

8.11 How far reaches the responsibility of HRC?

This Privacy Statement solely applies to Personal Data that have been obtained via the website www.hrc-international.com and other websites used by HRC . The website(s) may contain links to other websites of third parties. HRC does not accept any responsibility nor liability for (the operation and/or content of) websites or services of third parties.

8.12 Are minors allowed to make use of HRC ?

Principally HRC is intended for persons at the age of 18 (eighteen) or older. If CANDIDATE is under the age of 18 (eighteen) CANDIDATE needs to provide HRC with written and signed parental approval.

8.13 Can this Privacy Statement be altered?

This Privacy Statement can be altered. The changes are publicly made available on the Website.

8.14 Any questions?

If CANDIDATE still has questions about this Privacy Statement CANDIDATE can always contact HRC by sending an e-mail to [email protected] .

HRC International
Last update: December 2023