Privacy Policy


These Terms and Conditions govern your use of the HRC website at (“HRC International Site”) and your relationship with HRC (“HRC”, “we” or “us”). Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under the DGPR law. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the HRC International Site. If you have any questions on the Terms and Conditions, please contact [email protected]

1.1 Use of the HRC International Site

HRC operates the HRC International Site to assist CANDIDATE in understanding HRC’s services and in communicating with HRC. The HRC International Site is provided for CANDIDATE’S personal use subject to these Terms and Conditions. HRC’s online service is committed to protecting the privacy of HRC’s users. HRC wants to provide a safe and secure user experience. HRC will ensure that the information CANDIDATE submits to HRC via HRC’s website at remains private, and is only used for the purposes set out in this policy.

1.2 The Information HRC collects and how HRC uses it

Your personal details, including your name, e-mail address and CV, are held and used by us for the following purposes:
• For matching your personal data and requests with job vacancies, to assist us in finding you the position that most suits you;
• For keeping you informed about HRC’s services, news and general developments in the hospitality industry;
• For tailoring the version of our website you see when you log on to make it relevant to you

1.3 Disclosures of your information

We will share your information within the HRC group of companies, potential buddy (program) and partner organizations where necessary in order to provide you with our career development services.
• Your CV and related information will be sent to prospective employers but only when you give your consent.
• We may also release information relating to you to regulatory or law enforcement authorities, if required to do so. We also reserve the right to disclose the information we have collected about you to our professional advisors and to other persons to the extent that HRC contracts out any aspect of the operation of its career development services. These third parties will be acting under similar undertakings of confidentiality as HRC.
• In the event that HRC would merge or be acquired by another business, we may share the information that relates to you with the new owners of the business and their advisers.
• HRC offers every candidate a personal buddy (if available) that is already located in the desired destination. The purpose of this is for the candidate to have someone at the desired area who can help them with questions about the location, someone who is going through the training at the moment. Contact information will be shared with the buddy in the desired destination in order for them to be in contact with each other.

1.4 Job Alerts

In order to access to receive job alerts you must register on the HRC International Site. If you register, you must ensure that the details provided by you on registration or at any time are correct and complete.
• You must inform us immediately of any changes to the information that you provided when registering by updating your personal details in order that we can communicate with you effectively.
• If you register to use the HRC International Site you will be asked to create a password. In order to prevent fraud, you must keep this password confidential and must not disclose it or share it with anyone. If you know or suspect that someone else knows your password you should notify us by contacting [email protected] immediately. If HRC has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of the HRC International Site, we may require you to change your password or we may suspend your account.
• Should you decide that you no longer wish to receive this information, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]. Unsubscribe links are also provided in newsletter that you receive.

1.5 Curriculum vitae (‘CV’)

• We give you the option of submitting your CV via this website. You can do this either to apply for a specific advertised job or for consideration by our career consultants for positions as they come up.
• Although your CV will be stored online, it will only be accessible by HRC group career consultants. Your CV will also be e-mailed directly to our career consultants who review your details and enter them onto our central in-house database.
• you can update your CV at any time, simply by following the same procedure to submit a new CV. Your old data will automatically be replaced.

1.6 Your use of the HRC International Site

You may not use the HRC International Site for any of the following purposes:
• disseminating any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material or otherwise breaching any laws;
• transmitting material that encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offense, results in civil liability or otherwise breaches any applicable laws, regulations or code of practice;
• interfering with any other person’s use or enjoyment of the HRC International Site; or
• making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of materials protected by copyright without the permission of the owner.

You will be responsible for our losses and costs resulting from your breach of this clause.
By submitting information through the HRC International Site you agree and acknowledge that while we may contact you in response to the information you provide, we are not obliged to provide you with any particular product or services.

1.7 Right to suspend or cancel your registration

• We may suspend or cancel your registration immediately at our reasonable discretion or if you breach any of your obligations under these Terms and Conditions.
• You can cancel your registration at any time by sending an email to [email protected] or through the “unsubscribe” link contained in the last Job Alerts email or newsletter you received.
• The suspension or cancellation of your registration and your right to use the HRC International Site shall not affect either party’s statutory rights or liabilities.

1.8 Aggregate Information about HRC online visitors

We gather information and statistics collectively about all visitors to this website, for example, which area users’ access most frequently and which services users’ access the most. We only use such data in the aggregate form. This information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users and how we can continually improve our online services to create a better overall experience for our users.

1.9 Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small data file which is sent from a web server to a web browser when that browser visits the server’s site. Find out more about the use of cookies on . Cookies are used, on the website to remember your login, to track web traffic on an aggregate basis so that no individuals are identified, to keep session information such as your last search (this information is disposed of every time you close your web browser). Most browsers allow you to turn off cookies. If you want to know how to do this please look at the help menu on your browser. However, switching off cookies will restrict your use of our website.

1.10 Access

You have the right at any time to ask us for a copy of the information supplied by you that we hold. HRC will provide this information free of charge at the first request. If more requests follow, HRC has the right to charge an administrative fee for this service. You also have the right to ask HRC to stop using OR entirely remove your information.

1.11 Other websites

Please note that clicking on to links may result in your transfer to another website, where data privacy practices may be different to that of HRC. Visitors should consult the other websites’ privacy policies as we are not responsible for, and have no control over, information that is submitted to or collected by these third parties.

1.12 Internet-based transfers

Given that the Internet is a global environment, using the Internet to collect and process personal data necessarily involves the transmission of data on an international basis. Therefore, by browsing this web site and communicating electronically with us, you acknowledge and agree to our processing of personal data in this way.

1.13 Changes to our Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be changed by HRC at any time. If we change our privacy policy in the future, we will set out those changes here, so that you will always know what personal information we gather, the purposes we might use it for and to whom we might disclose it. If, at any time, you have questions or concerns about HRC’s online privacy commitment, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected].

1.14 Employers

HRC makes no representation or warranty in respect of any of the following:
• the existence or availability of any appointment advertised on the HRC International Site;
• that any employer or client will ask for your CV, ask to interview you or recruit you;
• that any employer or client will keep confidential any of your information or data provided to that employer or client; or
• the final terms and duration of any appointment obtained through the HRC International Site.

1.15 Availability of the HRC International Site

We cannot guarantee that the service will be fault-free. If a fault occurs in the service you should report it to [email protected] and we will attempt to correct the fault as soon as we reasonably can. If HRC is informed of any inaccuracies in the material on the HRC International Site we will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as we reasonably can.

Your access to the HRC International Site may be occasionally restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to restore the service as soon as we reasonably can.

1.16 Intellectual Property

All information incorporated within the HRC International Site is owned or licensed by HRC International. You may retrieve and display the content of the HRC International Site on a computer screen, store such content in electronic form on disk (but not any server or other storage device connected to a network) or print one copy of such content for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copyright and proprietary notices. You may not otherwise reproduce, modify, copy or distribute or use for commercial purposes any of the materials or content on the HRC International Site without written permission from the HRC.

1.17 Applicable Law

These terms and conditions will be subject to the laws of the Netherlands. We will try to solve any disagreements quickly and efficiently. If you are not happy with the way we deal with any disagreement, and you want to take court proceedings, you must do so within the Netherlands.

1.18 Disclaimer

Whilst HRC uses reasonable care in compiling and presenting the content found on the HRC International Site, it is provided purely for information and you should seek further guidance and make independent enquiries before relying upon it. If HRC is informed of any inaccuracies in the material on the HRC International Site we will attempt to correct the inaccuracies as soon as we reasonably can. If we are in breach of these Terms and Conditions, we will only be responsible for any losses that you suffer to the extent that they are a foreseeable consequence to both of us. Our liability shall not in any event include business losses such as lost data, lost profits or business interruption. These Terms and Conditions shall not limit or affect our liability if something we do negligently causes death or personal injury.

1.19 Miscellaneous

You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms and Conditions to any other person. We may transfer our rights under these Terms and Conditions to another business where we reasonably believe your rights will not be affected. If you breach these Terms and Conditions and HRC chooses to ignore this, HRC will still be entitled to use its rights and remedies at a later date or in any other situation where you breach the Terms and Conditions. HRC shall not be responsible for any breach of these Terms and Conditions caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control. The HRC International Site is owned and operated by HRC International. If you have any queries, please contact [email protected]


HRC International
Last update: December 2023